Our transports
Transport truck Scania 420
Hook truck
Transport truck Scania 420
Tip truck
Transport truck Volvo 660
Transport truck Volvo 660
Transport truck Scania 730
Hook truck
We offer the following services
- boat transport
- house transport
- broad transport
- long haul
- special transport
- assembly of construction
- assembly of houses
- installation of balconies
- dismantling barracks
- transporting rigs and barracks
- transporting machines
- assembly job with baskets
- cutting wood
- glass assembly with vacuum sucks (glass sucks).
Truck usage
Eg: A truck with three axles can have an actual total weight of 20 tons on a BK8 way. An equal truck with 4 axles can have an actual total weight of 24 tons, due to the load being distributed on a larger area.